Abbotsford Drywall and Steel Stud Framing

May 23, 2024

Pros & Cons of Steel Stud: Your Steel Stud Framer Won't Tell You This

Metal studs are ideal for all types of structures, from residential homes to commercial buildings, thanks to their strength and durability. But if you’re planning a building project, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of steel studs to what you should expect during and after construction. 

steel stud framer can explain to you this matter in detail. So, in this blog, let’s explore the specifics of steel studs and their advantages and disadvantages for your next project. 

About Steel Studs

Steel studs are primarily made of aluminum or galvanized steel. Unlike traditional wood frames, they can withstand elements due to their versatility, lightness, and durability.

Best features of Steel Studs

  • Applicable for both residential and commercial projects.
  • Lightweight and contributes to quicker construction timelines and reduced labour costs.
  • It is durable and ensures a long lifespan and minimal maintenance.

While steel stud framers keep these prime features under wraps, bear in mind that installing steel studs does not solely rely on specialized knowledge. It requires a skill set from steel framing professionals. 

Pros of Using Steel Studs

Mould and Pest Resistant

Insects and termites are drawn to wood because it’s a primary food source—rich in cellulose, which is essential to their diets. Wood is also strong, making it an ideal nesting spot for these pests. 

Steel, however, is not a food source and cannot be damaged by insects or termites, which makes it a highly durable material perfect for construction projects.

More Fire-Resistant

Equipped with a galvanized coating, it holds up well against flames. Steel stud framing is fireproof since metal does not burn, which helps to reduce and mitigate damage in the event of a fire.

Resilient to Environmental Conditions

They provide structural stability during seismic events. Steel stud framing can resist degradation caused by excessive humidity and strong winds. It is suitable for earthquake-prone areas, high moisture, and wind-prone environments. 


They have more robust materials and structures than wood framing. Proper installation and sealing prevent cracking or warping. The ductility and strength of steel-stud framing, combined with the holding power of CFS connections, make metal ideal for construction in earthquake-prone and high-wind areas.

Versatile & Efficient

Steel studs are ideal for various construction needs, including frames, walls, subflooring systems, and ceilings. Using metal studs cuts labour time and screws instead of nails making taping and flushing easier, avoiding nail pops and repairs. This saves time and boosts project efficiency.

Cons of Using Steel Studs

Initially Costly

Steel studs can be more pricey than wood studs. Installation can also be complex and requires special tools and expertise. Overall, metal framing costs more in materials and labour, with estimates suggesting it can be 15% more expensive than wood framing.

Limited Thermal Insulation

Steel has higher thermal conductivity and is less effective at preventing heat transfer. To address this issue, you can do the following: 

  • Add supplementary insulation materials, such as fibreglass, foam board, or spray foam insulation, within the wall cavity alongside steel studs.
  • To help reduce thermal bridging, install thermal breaks, which are non-conductive materials, between the steel studs and exterior surfaces.
  • Apply insulated sheathing to the exterior of the steel stud framing.

Complex Cutting  Process

Cutting metal studs is tough and risky, so it's best handled by skilled pros. To stay on schedule and budget, ordering pre-cut studs is often the way to go. Special tools, like a metal cutting blade on a mitre saw, are needed. If you're not using pre-cut materials, plan for extra steps.

Corrosion Susceptibility

Exposure to chemicals or toxic substances can accelerate the corrosion of steel studs. 

What to do:

Apply protective coatings Ensure steel studs are coated with protective materials like galvanization to create a barrier against corrosion.
Maintain proper ventilation Adequate ventilation in construction spaces helps regulate humidity levels and reduce the risk of corrosion.
Use compatible materials To prevent galvanic corrosion, ensure all materials, including fasteners and connectors, are compatible with steel.

Sound Transmission

Metal framing might affect the room acoustics in your commercial building slightly. Loud surfaces tend to make sound waves bounce more. If this is noticeable, consider adding sound barriers to the walls. Steel studs might also slightly affect wireless connections like cell signals or Wi-Fi. 


Use Resilient Channels Install resilient channels between the steel studs and the wall covering to decouple them, as this lessens the direct sound transmission.
Double-Stud Construction Opt for double-stud construction with an air gap to minimize sound transmission through the structural elements
Add Soundproofing Materials Integrate sound-absorbing materials, such as insulation or acoustic panels, within the wall assembly to enhance soundproofing and dampen vibrations.
steel stud framer

Ready to Use Steel Studs? 

Steel studs are durable, pest-resistant, fireproof, and ideal for seismic and high-wind areas, making them great for residential and commercial projects. They speed up construction and reduce labour costs but come with higher initial expenses and require specialized tools and expertise. Challenges include limited thermal insulation, complex cutting processes, and potential impacts on acoustics and wireless signals. 

If you’re considering steel studs for your framing projects, it’s best to work with a professional steel stud framer from Abbotsford Drywall & Steel Stud Framing to ensure structural stability and project success. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which is better, load-bearing or structural steel studs?

    Load-bearing steel studs offer the benefit of using one supplier for all framing and fasteners and the same subcontractors for both interior and exterior walls. These studs come in the same sizes as non-structural ones but are designed to handle structural loads. They have a minimum tensile strength of 33 KSI for .033 and .043 thicknesses and 50 KSI for .054, .068, and .097 thicknesses.

  • What are the load-bearing requirements for steel studs?

    Exterior load-bearing requires 16 or 18-gauge steel studs to support the roof's weight and evenly distribute it to the foundation. According to the International Residential Code (IRC), these walls should have 24 inches maximum spacing. Interior bearing walls must be at least 8 inches thick.

  • What are the main components of steel stud wall frames?

    • Track: Acts as the top and sole plates. Sole plates connect frames to floors, while top plates attach the studs to the ceiling. 
    • Stud: Vertical studs are installed between the top and sole plates, forming the interior and exterior framing of the building. 
    • Noggins: Small pieces placed between the tracks. Metal stud framing typically uses one row of noggins due to their greater rigidity compared to wood.

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